You gotta the post? Wheres the post? No not the roast! The post you hava the post? Toast no notta the toast the post! I needa the post! Here let me aska the people for the post... hey any of you hava the post? We are looking for the post. Gotta get the post for everyone to read ya know. If you gotta the post give me a sign... then you can getta the cemente and post up your sign, slow down those crazy drivers...
Anyhow... I didn't post yesterday. I think I was tired. Not dead in case you were wondering.
We did go to the National Park on Friday. It was really neat. We wandered around the east end of it, and visited the Gapsa Buddhist Temple there.
The Gapsa Temple was very old, it was founded about 1500 years ago. It was extremely beautiful, and full of prayer. Prayers were hanging on cards from the ceiling, painted into the walls, and there was a stack of roof tiles at a table which you could write prayers on the bottoms of them with a white paint marker, and they use the titles to retile one of the roofs. This last bit is a brilliant and sublime idea to me. Imagine a church literally built on prayer, every stone, beam and roof tile, inscribed with a prayer, praise, or hymn, not necessarily where you can see it, but you know it is there.
Besides the temple, we did some easy hiking there. Neither I nor my roommate are hard core hikers, little old ladies and four year olds were speeding by us, so we wandered along the clear hoary river there, admiring the ice formations and water falls. I defiantly want to go back, probably in the fall, when the leaves are turning and falling, and I am in better shape. We learned a lot about exploratory Korean traveling, foremost is guide books are you friends because you can point to where you want to go in Korean, to people who cannot untangle your atrocious pronunciations of place names, and you yourself have a idea of where you want to go. I need a camera.
Yesterday, (saturday) I slept in and then went to the PC Bong (bar) with Mike in Yesan and played "Sudden Attack" on the computer for about four hours against other people. That was fun. I then explored Yesan some more, and got a tea kettle to heat water for one person with, and a rolling pin, and a can of wild honey. I want to make homemade biscuits. Mmm....