Sunday, December 21, 2008


Well, its my last day in Korea. I am almost packed. I said goodbye to everyone at church tonight and I am going to miss them.

I am not really ready to reflect on my eleven months here.

I have had a lot of fun the last few weeks. I have eaten way too many pizzas with Mike my roommate. I discovered some awesome hot chocolate at Accapellos, a coffee shop in Yesan, and wished I had tried them there earlier.

Last Thursday all the church and school staff went out and had a five course meal of Duck. We had it grilled, with kimchi sauce, roasted, and in a soup. Then we had a ice yogurt dessert. It was the most fantastic meal I have had here I think, and I have had some pretty good ones.

Then we went bowling in Yesan. We played two games, guys against guys and girls against girls. For the guys, the pastors (Pastors: Cheong, Kim, Lee and Kong) were on one team and the other four of us, (Mike, James, Brother Kim, and I) were on the other. The pastors won. James used to run a bowling alley in the states, so he helped me get from lowest of all in the first game to beating Mike in the second. It was a blast all the way around. Now before you go thinking they did all this for me, because I was leaving it was also the Pastors Wife's birthday, and a goodbye dinner for Pastor Kong and his family because he got a new job in another church. His daughter, Kong Ju'n A, or "Paige" (her English name) is in my seven year old's class, and one of my favorite students. I am definitely going to miss that family.

So now I am almost packed. I am going to unplug this computer and pack it as soon as I am done typing this. I am heading to the air port tomorrow, and flying to Japan to see Mike (my brother, not my roommate) who is working at ARI there. Though if you follow this blog you probably already know that. A week later it a nice long 11 hour or so flight from Tokyo to Dallas Fort Worth and home!


1 comment:

Mike said...

See you soon man! I have loved following the blog, keep it up at home and after!