Sunday, January 27, 2008

So Seoul...


Did I mention that yesterday? It was like going to New York, being from a small city, and not understanding English. The Greater Seoul area is huge, we hit it on the train about an hour out. Their subway system reaches an hour and a half out from the main terminal of both the train and subway. The station itself is huge. It has a couple of seven or was it eight? story malls attached to it, and a electronics market five stories tall full of independent sellers ready to make you a deal on cameras, computers, games, phones, just about anything that goes beep. They don't put prices on them either for the most part, you ask, they tell, and then you bargain.

I also got a taxi ride window tour of a part of a part of Seoul, as James, Beth and Abby and I went to Cosco's a warehouse store like Sam's Club, where I got my tortillas, and cheese, and then again on the quest for the hotel, where they were going to spend the night. It was a place they had not stayed before, and their internet reservation was written in English so the driver couldn't read it, and it wasn't where the internet said it was. But after stopping at the Hilton so the Driver could get a translation and put the name of the place in his incredibly cool GPS system we found it, and all was well.

James and I also took a quick trip to Inechewon, on the subway, the most Americanized and one of the sleazier parts of Seoul, because the Army base is there. Among other things, he showed me where to get good Mexican food whenever I became really homesick for it in a couple of months.

Also I found out that they are showing the Dead Sea Scrolls at the War Memorial Museum in Seoul. I think I am going to go back in a week or two, get a camera, and take a look at that.

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