Monday, January 28, 2008


So I got to teach the first and second graders today.

In the second graders class, we basically wrote words ending in "-ip" and "-in." It took our whole thirty minute class. It was only eight words and a sentence, a phonics exercise. I think some of them got it and others didn't, which I suppose is how teaching goes. In the first grade class we colored a picture of a zoo with bears and Giraffes, which I attempted to get them to say while they colored. I was told the main thing for them is simple exposer to English. So I can do this.

The afternoon classes I did with James, and it was all review/practice tests, and a great battery of coin and silly hand magic thrown in. They really really like magic here. They have many TV shows and specials with magicians, especially close up magicians in them. So all my limited trick actually get appreciated even if they are figured out. I also learn a great eraser traveling through the eyes trick from some of the kids in one of the classes. Maybe I will figure out a way to utilize magic tricks into my teaching here. They respond really well to it.

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