Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Post, New Pastor

So, we have a new pastor at the Church. He has been here for about three weeks I believe and we all really like him. The English teachers and his family (wife, and two sons 18&19) had dinner at a local restaurant and it was delicious. His sons it turns out are getting ready to go to University in the Philippines where the family just moved from, but in the mean time they have been sitting at the house bored out their minds for the last three weeks. Since their English is good, and like playing guitar and Sudden Attack, they are quickly becoming Mike's and mine best friends.

In other news, I have instituted a new curriculum for my seven year olds using Dr Seusses ABCs. It has been a hit so far.

In other other news, I think I seriously want to get into the San Fransisco Clown Conservatory when I get back in the States. I want to clown, and I want to be good at it. I have been practicing mime when I can working through the book on it I brought with me. I also continue to juggle, and walk into obvious pranks by my kids.

We clean out the fridge a couple of nights ago. Yay! for that.

I still haven't up loaded pictures.

I need to I know.

This weekend Mike and I go adventuring to Cheongju, to museums, a fortress and a Zoo.

Last Saturday I went to the National Museum in Seoul. I saw some great art, and some neat history stuff there. Going in, I passed about ten school groups, to said "Hello! How are you, nice to meet you." Standing in line for the tickets, I was asked where I was from, and what I was doing in Seoul. I am sure their English teachers would be proud. Also there is a fantastic park at the national museum. There is even a out door gym complete with bench press weights. I have pictures of all this. I do need to get it them up.

Also I want to plug my brother Mikes blog "Hike With Mike." He is trying to get funds together to come to Japan to volunteer for ARI. A group that teaches sustainable agriculture and urban agriculture to leaders in third world communities.


mad4books said...

We have a new pastor, too, and we're crazy about him. We like his wife even more...

Good luck with that clown thing. Please adopt a non-scary persona because my daughter is seriously freaked out by clowns after I took her to see Pagliacci in Philadelphia when she was little. By the time you break out the mini-car and juggling scarves, she will be long gone!

Thanks for the heads up about hiking with Mike. (Too bad I'm buh-roke...)

Have a great weekend!

Tmom said...

Hey Robert- I have read this several times now. Some angles I never thought of. I looked up the Clown Conservatory interesting program. We are gearing up for Mikes graduation next week.

More Later,

LOVE your MoM

Tmom said...

Oop's this was supposed to go on the Clown blog.

Love MoM