Thursday, March 13, 2008

I haven't posted for how long?


Man I feel like I am really falling down on the job here!

The week has been good. I am still adjusting to teaching. I am honestly something of a push over right now, and I am trying to figure out my teaching balance.

I have decided that every Saturday I am going to go somewhere and see something. This Saturday I am going to Seoul to find some more books, and probably take the tourist public bus tour. Which takes you in a loop from the train station past most of the big tourist places in Seoul.

Tonight I slightly pulled a muscle in Taekwondo. Was from attempting a really cool flying reverse turning kick? No! I was indoor soccer... again. However, I did score two points so yay for me!

Also Tuesday we actually put on a chest pads and practiced kicking each other. That was fun. Unfortunetly I wasn't paired with one of my English students.

Also I finally made the spaghetti right! MMMMMmmmm.... It is great, but there is too much for me and Mike. I have to give some away.

Also (third also is a charm right?) I had a good first day in the Church Praise band last Sunday. My guitar was un-miked but everyone complemented me on my playing anyways. Half the battle of playing guitar and people actually enjoying it is looking like you are having the greatest time in the world (which is easy for me since I am.)


Mike said...

I know it feels good to know that people are reading what you write, keep going brother.

Mike said...

Hey man, take advantage of the traveling while you can.