Sunday, June 1, 2008

So much to tell, I just don't.

Lazy, lazy, lazy. We started a new semester with the older kids, last week, and that has been nice. We are using different books which I like much better than the one we used last time. It is a pain in the butt to try and teach a curriculum that you think is pretty stupid. This one is much better even though the grammar book is for British English rather than American.

I have been starting to get somewhat homesick lately. Mainly it has just been small things. Like they do their sideways break falls in Taekwondo slightly differently, and it doesn't make any sense to me. Then I just had to go visit the Zoo in Seoul. I saw American Bison, Armadillos, Coyotes, raccoons, mountain lions, Longhorn cattle, Red eared slider turtles, annnnd a desert in a green house, right next to the rain forest. Someone had even thoughtfully cut some graffiti into some prickly pear which made me laugh.

The Zoo also had a pretty good seal and dolphin show. I got to see other animals I have not seen in a long time: Ant Eaters, Sloths, all manner of dear, Rhinos and Hippos, Sea lions, lion cubs, and a baby monkey hanging out with its mother. It was a pretty neat and large Zoo.

Korea is really interesting when it comes to parks. They tend to mix all the different kinds as much as possible. For example the Seoul Grand Park Zoo, about the size of the San Antonio Zoo, but it is only one of five parks at Seoul Grand Park. There is also, a Petting Zoo six (or was it 11?) Kilometers of hiking trails, a art museum, and a Disney want to be theme park. You say sure efficiency of space Rob. But they don't just on a large scale. A couple of weeks ago, the Wesely school and church staff, went to a small park which had hiking trails, a small zoo, which included a black bear, and it's cub, a pretty good play ground and a wonderful botanical garden and flowers all along the paved trail. Koreans unlike Americans, don't have any qualms about mixing artifice and nature, or simply "improving" nature. It's interesting.

I know I need to update this more often. I will try.


mad4books said...

Being a little homesick is a good thing...being overly homesick is wretched. So, in order to prevent any unnecessary wretchedness, this should help help you keep it in check:

*It's hot here. Horribly, awfully hot. Midland hit 103 yesterday. Our air conditioner can't keep up, the landlord won't replace it, and it's just miserable here at night as we're trying to go to sleep.

*If Korea invented Taekwondo, she gets to make the rules. How cool that someday you'll get to talk about how you learned new tricks in the Mother Land, the Mecca of Taekwondo? (That will get you serious cred around the dojo, if that's what you call it.)

*Our parks are boring (except for the Prairie Dog Town). Hiking trails? HA! We wish.

*You are dodging a bullet known as Election 2008. The phone calls (both automated and from real human supporters/pollsters), the sniping, the non-stop media coverage...ARGH!! I feel like moving away until next Christmas--and I don't even watch TV!

JUST THINK: If you stay in Korea long enough, you're going to have flashes of homesickness *for Korea* someday. Maybe it will happen when you see a sign with Korean characters, or a restaurant, or a plant or animal in an American zoo.

(That's so cool. Our hearts are amazing things...)

Tmom said...

Hey Rob thank you for writing- I check this everyday- sometimes twice a day - it's hard to be a hovering mother when your children won't stay put(-: I second what Kristi says- it's wonderful to have the opportunity to go somewhere totally different and be homesick and it is hot here!

Zac and your Dad have done the annual "trimming" of the bushes- I will leave it to your imagination but suffice it =to say they have been zealous.

We celebrated your grandmothers 78th birthday last night. Dad is taking cake over to Southern Meadows tomorrow night I have P.E.O.

Mike took off for New York last night and Katie wants a hammock but is enjoying N.C. However she misses Texas Mexican food- apparently N.C. Mexican food is different.

Remeber these are the future good ole days.


CinnomanSwirls said...

I miss you my friend!
You make me want to dance on the tops of buildings. Have you done that over in Korea lately? it would probably be an amazing experieince
I will get my computer soon!! I am happy i found your blog agin!

mad4books said...

Okay, I have held my tongue long enough...what is it with "chronicals" and "cinnoman?"

Is this some new-fangled way of spelling you young whippersnappers have invented? Like how people are substituting "r u" for "are you" and "l8r" instead of "later" these days? (Oh, don't even get me started on "lite" or "donuts." ARGGHHH!)

And if I ever see a sign for "lite cinnoman donuts," I'll faint dead away--I'll be OTF...*not* LMAO!